Therapy Activities
Week 8: Week of May 11 to May 15, 2020

Here is a little guideline for what to expect this week in our virtual session!

We may not complete all of these items in one session, our hope is that you and your child pick a few a day and keep moving throughout the week. Any activity may be modified to your child's skill level.

Yoga Stretches:
1.Downward Dog Pose. Place hands and feet firmly on the ground. Lift bottom up toward the sky. Keep arms and legs straight, pushing your chest toward your legs. Hold for a count of 5.
2.Child’s Pose. Sit back on your heels. Fold forward over your knees. Stretch arms forward. Hold for a count of 5.

Core Strengthening:
l. Mountain Climber. Start with hands and feet on the floor, one leg extended out and the other tucked up underneath you, jump and switch legs. Try to keep your bottom low to the ground. Time yourself for 30 seconds.
2.Tables. Sit on floor with feet and hands flat on the floor and belly facing up. Lift bottom off of the floor to make a flat table with your body. Hold for a count of 3 and return to starting position. Repeat 10 times.
3. Donkey Kicks. Start in a hands and knees position. Keeping back and arms straight, kick one leg out straight behind you, holding for a count of 3. Return to hands and knees position and repeat on the other side. Repeat 10 times.

Lower Body Strengthening:
1.Jump like a frog 5 times then rest. Repeat 4 times. Squat down with your hands in-between your knees. Push off with your feet to spring forward.
2.Stand-Ups. Start in a tall kneeling position. Raise one leg up and push using that leg to stand up. Do not use hands on floor or furniture while standing or returning to kneel. Return to tall knee through the same motion. Repeat 10 times on each leg.

1. Jumping Jacks Feet Only. Start by standing with feet together. Jump feet open, jump closed for 30 seconds. Use a timer to keep count.
2. Jump straight up and down for 30 seconds. Use a timer to keep count.
3.Jump forward then backward for 30 seconds. Use a timer to keep count.

Fun Time!
For younger students:
Perform the motions to Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes.
Perform on YouTube. Go Noodle. Koo Koo Kanga Roo Roller Coaster video.
For older students:
Perform on YouTube. Go Noodle. Koo Koo Kanga Roo Get Yo Body Movin video and Dinosaur Stomp video.

Therapy Activities
Week 7: Week of May 4 to May 8, 2020

Here is a little guideline for what to expect this week in our virtual session!
Any activity may be modified to your child's skill level.

1. Jog in place for 30 seconds. Use a timer to keep count.
2. Cat stretches: kneel on hands and knees, arch back toward ceiling, then drop belly toward floor. Repeat 10x.

l. Upper Body: Chest Press-Lie on back. Hold water bottles or hand weights at chest and push up to the ceiling. Repeat 10x.
2. Lower Body: Chair Squats –Bend knees and tap bottom on chair seat, stand back up. Keep shoulders back. Repeat 10x.
3. Core: Bicycles—Lie on back, lift legs toward ceiling, pump legs in circular motion like riding a bike. Time for 30 seconds.

1. Stand on tiptoes with arms held out at shoulder height, try to bend your knees to squat while on tiptoes. Repeat 10x.
2. Stand on one foot, and try to pick up small objects from the floor. Place them on a table or in a basket without putting your other foot down. Repeat 10x.

1. Wheelbarrow races—Adult holds child’s feet, child walks on hands across the room. Remember: Tighten your tummy!
2. Try to pick up pencils from the floor with your toes, and put them in a small box or basket—while you are standing! (It's ok to hold onto a piece of furniture for balance!)

1. Shuttle Runs-Run from one side of the room to the other, tag the floor next to the wall and run back to your start spot, tag the floor next to the wall and continue for 3 laps total without stopping. Time yourself, and see if you can beat your time the next day!
2. Criss-cross Jumps-Jump and cross your feet, jump again and return to start position, criss-cross your feet 10 times.

Fun Time!
1. Play Follow the Leader—Take turns being the leader, followers have to do exactly what the leader is doing, examples: Jump, squat and waddle like a duck, crawl, walk, run/jog, etc.
2. Wash windows! Work together, reach and stretch to clean the windows and make them shiny! Don't forget the corners!

Physical Therapy Activities

WEEK 6   Week of: April 27-May 1, 2020
Here is a little guideline for what to expect this week in our virtual session, and activities for you to do together this week! We may modify these activities based on your child's skill level.

1. Jog in place, set a 30 second timer.
2. Windmills—Arms above head, bend at waist and touch Left foot with Right hand, return to start position, repeat with other hand to opposite foot. Do 5 cycles.
3. Sit and reach: Sit flat on floor with legs out straight, reach forward toward toes, keeping knees flat--It is ok if you can't reach your toes!

1. Upper Body: Wall Push-Ups -Face a wall and put hands on the wall, bend elbows to “touch your nose to the wall gently”, push back out to start position, keeping feet in one spot.
2. Lower Body: Feet hip width apart, hands on counter or table for safety, tie a belt or dog leash around ankles, try to move feet apart against resistance and hold pressure for 5 seconds, do 10 on each side. If you have resistance bands you may use them instead
3. Core: Straight leg bridge: Lay on floor face up with feet on edge of couch, lift your bottom, keeping your body straight. Repeat at least 10, hold up to 5 seconds.

1. Find a line on the floor, or make one with tape (chalk or a rock on a concrete slab work as well). Walk on the line heel-to-toe with hands on hips. Repeat at least 4 laps.
2. Stand on a cushion with feet together, put arms out straight, try to touch nose with right pointer finger, then left pointer finger, repeat 5x each side.

1. Jumping Jacks: Remember: feet go apart when arms go up!
2. “Paint the wall”: Give child a bucket of clean water and a large paintbrush, and have them “paint” an outside wall or sidewalk. Bonus: Cleaning skills ;-)
3. Sort objects: Can be toys, socks, spoons and forks, laundry sorting, etc. Cue child to sort by size, color, or type depending on what objects you pick.

Fun Time!
1. Build a blanket fort, anything is possible! Use blankets, sheets, curtains, tables/chairs, whatever you have handy, then read a story inside your fort for some extra together time.
2. The Maxarena (Macarena Dance steps)

Physical Therapy Activities for Pre-K through 5th grade

Week of: April 20-24, 2020

Here is a little guideline for what to expect this week in our session!

These activities may change based on your child's skill level, don't worry! We may not complete all of these items in one session, our hope is that you and your child pick a few a day and keep moving through the week!

Stretches/Warmup: Count to 5, do 5 in a row
1. Up on your toes, reach your hands to the sky
2. Reach down toward your toes, no bouncing! It's ok if you can't touch
3. Arm Circles! Stretch your arms WIDE OUT, now make 5 big circles forward, then 5 big circles backward.

Strengthening: Try to do 10 repetitions.
1. Upper Body: Shoulder Press. Use water bottles for hand weights.
2. Lower Body: Forward lunges.
3. Core: Supermans. Lie on belly and lift up arms and legs. Hold 1-2 seconds and repeat 10 times.

Balance: Parent should stand next to student for safety.
1. Stand on a cushion with both feet close together. Cross arms across chest. Time for 30 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times.

Coordination: Try to do 10 repetitions.
1. Steps (No higher than 8inches please!) Step up/down 10 times.
2. Tossing/catching a ball
3. Kicking a ball

Exercise Ball: If you have one at home. Use the correct size ball for the student: when sitting on the ball the student’s feet should touch the floor and hips and knees should be bent at 90 degrees.

1.Sit and balance on the exercise ball, and bounce with feet remaining on the floor and bottom staying seated on the ball for 1-2 minutes. Parent should be next to student for safety and to give assistance to stay on the ball.
2.Lie on the ball on your belly. Walk your hands out 2-3 steps forward staying balanced on the ball and then backwards to starting position. Repeat 10 times. Parent should be next to student for safety and to give assistance to stay on the ball.

Fun Time!
1.Obstacle Course: create a path for student to navigate with tape, cushions, pillows. Child can go over and crawl under.
2.Hopscotch: create a grid with tape or sidewalk chalk

Therapy Activities for Pre-K through 5th grade

Week of: April 13-17, 2020

These activities may change based on your child's skill level. We may not complete all of these items in one session, our hope is that you and your child pick a few a day and keep moving through the week! Repeat the activities as long as your child is interested and having fun.

Motor Planning, Coordination, and Strengthening:

-walk 20 feet balancing the egg on the spoon held in one hand
-repeat 5-10 times

-toss egg to a basket ~10 feet away
-repeat until all eggs are in the basket (at least 10 eggs)

-tap an egg with a plastic bat, golf club, paint stirrer, or yard stick to basket ~20 feet away
-repeat 5-10 times

-hold egg between legs and walk 10-20 feet and place egg in the basket
-repeat 5-10 times

-keep feet in unison and hop 20 feet
-repeat 5-10 times

-hide the eggs inside or outside the house for your child to find

-The Kiboomers! The way the Bunny Hops.
-The Kiboomers! The Bunny Hokey Pokey.
-Jack Hartmann. Easter Bunny Dance and Freeze.

Week of: April 6-8, 2020

Here is a little guideline for what to expect this week in our session!

These activities may change based on your child's skill level, don't worry! We may not complete all of these items in one session, our hope is that you and your child pick a few a day and keep moving through the week!

(Count to 5, do 5 in a row)
1. Up on your toes, reach your hands to the sky
2. Reach down toward your toes, no bouncing! It's ok if you can't touch
3. Arm Circles! Stretch your arms WIDE OUT, now make 5 big circles forward, then 5 big circles backward.

1. Upper Body: Bicep Curls
2. Lower Body: Squats
3. Core: Bridges, Sit ups, Pushups

1. Stand on one foot with hands on hips and count to 10. Switch feet.
2. Lunges Sideways

1. Steps (No higher than 8 inches please!) Step up/down 10 times.
2. Tossing/catching a ball
3. Kicking a ball

1. Run in place. 30 second timer-- and run in one spot until it goes off.
2. Jump up and down with two feet together in one spot
3. Jump side to side

Fun Time!
1. Simon Says
2. Mother May I?

Welcome Parents! As we transition to virtual services for our Physical Therapy services, we wanted to start with a list of suggested activities that you can do with your child to promote gross motor development. Please pick and choose the activities that best fits you and your child. Remember your child’s safety comes first and to have fun!

Suggestions for Gross Motor Activities for Pre-K through 5th Grade

Week of March 30- April 3

Pretend you are animals:
-Waddling Duck
-Snake Slither
-Turtle Crawl
-Bear Walk
-Galloping Horse
-Penguin Walk
-Elephant Stomp
-Flap arms like a bird

Movement Songs:
-I'm A Little Teapot
-Ring Around the Roses
-If You're Happy and You Know It
-Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes
-The Hokey Pokey
-Play music for children to dance to and then periodically stop the music for them to "freeze" and then restart the music

Movement Games:
-Duck, Duck, Goose
-Red Light, Green Light
-Chase butterflies outside

Ball Activities:
-catching, rolling, throwing, and kicking
-using various sized balls, bean bags, and balloons
-toss bean bags into baskets
-water balloon toss
-swinging, sliding, and climbing on playground equipment