literacy week 2022

Literacy Week is coming!

Next week, January 24th through January 28th! Get ready to join in on the fun!

  • Monday- Reading is a sweet treat! Get a treat in the lunchroom.
  • Tuesday- Dress-up day where students can come dressed up as their favorite book character
  • Wednesday – “Read" my shirt! Students wear school appropriate slogans, phrases, etc. on their shirts
  • Thursday – Hats off for reading! Wear your favorite hat!
  • Friday - D.E.A.R “Drop Everything and Read!” At any given time during the day an announcement will be made that it is DEAR time, and everybody will drop what they are doing and read for ten minutes.

Also – there will be a Literacy Week Poster Contest! Students work throughout the week to create a poster of their favorite book! Must include literary elements like characters, setting, plot, conflict, etc.! Top 3 will get prizes! They will be judged on Friday January 28th and put into hallways!