Reminder that today, tomorrow, and Wednesday are all early release days! Dismissal will begin promptly at 12:45!
about 3 years ago, Bell Elementary
Yearbook news--see the attached flyer!
over 3 years ago, Bell Elementary
Please remember that tomorrow, Thursday, November 11th, is Veterans Day and an early release day with dismissal beginning at 12:45!
over 3 years ago, Bell Elementary
Parent teacher conferences are ongoing this week and there will be no school this Friday (10/22/21)!
over 3 years ago, Bell Elementary
Please remember that picture day is tomorrow, Wednesday, October 6th!
over 3 years ago, Bell Elementary
picture day
Tomorrow, Wednesday, September 22, is an early release day with dismissal beginning at 12:45!
over 3 years ago, Bell Elementary
Summer office hours are 9:00AM - 3:00PM. Please call ahead to make an appointment for any registration or guidance concerns. 352-463-3275
over 3 years ago, Bell Elementary
Tomorrow 5/21/21 is the last day of school! School will resume for students on Monday, August 16th 2021!
almost 4 years ago, Bell Elementary
Power has been restored to our Trenton schools and offices. Thank you!
almost 4 years ago, Jimmy Ballentine
At this time Duke energy is reporting that the power outage affecting Trenton will be resolved by 7:30PM on May 4th. This outage will affect student connectivity until power is restored to our equipment. Thank you.
almost 4 years ago, Jimmy Ballentine
This week at BES... Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week Monday- 4th and 5th grade Reading FSA Part 1 Tuesday- 4th and 5th grade Reading FSA Part 2 & Kindergarten Orientation Wednesday- Reading FSA make ups Thursday- 4th and 5th grade Math FSA Part 1 Friday- 4th and 5th grade Math FSA Part 2
almost 4 years ago, Bell Elementary
Progress reports are scheduled to go home today (4/21/21)!
almost 4 years ago, Bell Elementary
Today (4/5/21) is the last day for 2020-2021 Yearbook Orders! Additionally tomorrow is the last day for the online Book Fair!
almost 4 years ago, Bell Elementary
Today (3/12/21) is the end of the 9 weeks and an early release day with dismissal beginning at 12:45!
almost 4 years ago, Bell Elementary
It is time to order yearbooks! Order forms are available in the front office or you can order online at:
almost 4 years ago, Bell Elementary
Classroom Valentine's parties are today! Please remember that if you plan to send something to the school for your student(s) that glass and balloons are not allowed on the buses. Have a great day and wonderful three-day weekend!
about 4 years ago, Bell Elementary
Report cards are scheduled to go home today (1/13/21)!
about 4 years ago, Bell Elementary
Tomorrow (11/10) is picture retakes for yearbook and fall pictures!
over 4 years ago, Bell Elementary
It's Homecoming Parade and spirit day! Remember that the parade starts at 1:45 and, for the safety of our students, all early checkouts should be done by 12:30! 💛💜 Go Bulldogs! 💜💛
over 4 years ago, Bell Elementary
Today (9/11/20) is an early release day with dismissal beginning at 12:45!
over 4 years ago, Bell Elementary